Golden Welsh Landscape: Oil on Canvas
Photo Referance: Golden Welsh Landscape
Inspiration for this painting was provided by photographer-@welsh_landscape
Golden Welsh Landscape
Golden Welsh Landscape
Demo Video: Golden Welsh Landscape.

Canvas Pad and/or Canvas. 1 medium sized canvas (no larger than A3).
Preparing the Ground -
It is best to prepare the canvas with a 'ground' this is a thin coat of colour traditionally Burnt Sienna (light reddish brown or similar). If the canvas purchased is for acrylic or oil painting then a small amount of watered down burnt sienna acrylic can be applied roughly to create a thin transparent layer of colour. The purpose of which is to 'tint' the surface so that when we come to work on it, it is not pure white.
If you do not have acrylic paints then use a small amount of turps or white spirit mixed with a touch of yellow, red and black oil paint mixed together to create a brownish solution and brush on to the canvas or apply roughly with a rag.
Here is an example of a homemade canvas surface with primer and 'Ground'.
Most canvases will already be primed so just add the ground a few days before the day of the 'Oil Painting for beginners' one day art course.
Oil Paints-
Basic Set of Oil Paints paints (at least 60ml - 120ml) Ivory Black, White, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow. (I have used Cadmium Pale Hue Yellow in the painting but Cadmium Yellow will also achieve a lovely Golden colour, but deep hue will be rich and look more orange)
Pallete Knives
Small and Medium Flat Brush for Oil. Flat Palette, Old rags/newspaper, Soap and warm water (for cleaning).
Preparing the Ground -
It is best to prepare the canvas with a 'ground' this is a thin coat of colour traditionally Burnt Sienna (light reddish brown or similar). If the canvas purchased is for acrylic or oil painting then a small amount of watered down burnt sienna acrylic can be applied roughly to create a thin transparent layer of colour. The purpose of which is to 'tint' the surface so that when we come to work on it, it is not pure white.
If you do not have acrylic paints then use a small amount of turps or white spirit mixed with a touch of yellow, red and black oil paint mixed together to create a brownish solution and brush on to the canvas or apply roughly with a rag.
Here is an example of a homemade canvas surface with primer and 'Ground'.
Most canvases will already be primed so just add the ground a few days before the day of the 'Oil Painting for beginners' one day art course.
Oil Paints-
Basic Set of Oil Paints paints (at least 60ml - 120ml) Ivory Black, White, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Yellow. (I have used Cadmium Pale Hue Yellow in the painting but Cadmium Yellow will also achieve a lovely Golden colour, but deep hue will be rich and look more orange)
Pallete Knives
Small and Medium Flat Brush for Oil. Flat Palette, Old rags/newspaper, Soap and warm water (for cleaning).
Golden Welsh Landscape: Watercolour
Step by Step visual referance-
Visit my YouTube channel to see the art in progress. Many quick hyperlasped paintings in a variety of mediums that I use to accompany the tuition for art courses and classes.