November 3 - November 9 Nov 3 at 11:00am to Nov 9 at 4:00pm Norwegian Church Arts Centre, Cardiff Harbour Drive, CF10 4PA Cardiff From Aasobe Studio we are glad to present a new art exhibition for the senses. During all the week you can go to the Norwegian Church Arts Centre in Cardiff Bay and we'll be displaying in the magnificent Dahl Room. It is open from 11:00 - 16:00 and 10:00 - 16:00 the weekend. Exhibiting Artists: Ahmed Salahuddin Penelope Rose Cowley Kathryn Edwards We are looking forward to see you there. FB Event Page 'The Ambidextrous Experiment ~ Inspired by Left Brain and Right Brain distinctions - Method: Hold two pens one in each hand and draw. See what emerges forth. Equipment: One left and one right handed calligraphy fountain pen. See the videos
Magnet Magic, Painting in the Basement Lab at Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy 2nd July 2014 These works and demonstrations by the Physics were exhibited this year @ Senedd 19th and 20th July 2014 12-4 National Assembly for Wales Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF99 1NA for the-The Cardiff Science Festival 2014 In Awe of Physics- Painting in the Basement Lab, Cardiff School of Physic and Astronomy 1st July 2014 and 8th July. Dr. Dan Read and I’s plan for day 1 (and day 2 the following week) was to set up the Meissner Effect and paint in situ. I brought with me my materials and equipment- Two freshly ground canvases, 3ft by 3ft, shimmering with washes of silver and Paynes grey acrylic. A white box of jars and gold, silver, copper, white and prepared mixtures of shimmering dark greys paints, long purple brushes, sketchbook, notebook, one right handed calligraphy pen and one left handed calligraphy, a few pencils and reams of science papers containing information about Magnetic Monopoles and Kagome lattices and papers on Diffusion Tensor imaging all written all or in part by Cardiff University Professors and Doctors. I had been waiting for this day since I first set eyes upon the Meissner effect demonstration at the Cardiff Science Festival 2013 by Dan and his team. Dan and I where that day exhibiting opposite each other in the Cardiff Pierhead building. Dan with the physics and I with paintings based on, Diffusion Tensor imaging of my brain, these are derived from Magnetic Resonance imaging scans conducted at CUBRIC in 2012 by Prof. Derek Jones and Dr. Silvia de Santis. Our love for superconducting magnetic materials certainly resonated with us both. Dan had just finished setting up ready for the public who would be arriving in 10 minutes at 10am Saturday 20th July 2013. I took the opportunity introduce myself and take a closer look at the strange cloud cascading from a small curious dish on his table. I walked towards him stood, with gleaming smiling eyes as if he held some great secret about this world and I now knelt at his table to be at eye level with what I now know to be is the Meissner Effect. It's difficult to express this first moment. At first glance I thought my eyes betrayed me. A small cube dark in matter tinged with frost seemed to be levitating above a small round disk; this was set in a pool of the strange ethereal fluid substance with a cold mist dancing evaporating like lazy smoke flowing off the table descending with gravity. Dan caught my attention with a pair of plastic tweezers entering my filed of vision as he gently tapped the cube and set it rotating, floating before my eyes on it’s axis. The effect was rather superbly overwhelming. Dan explained the cube was not ‘levitated’ as such but rather held in a Magnetic Field where by the cube is superconducting when very cold ethereal cascading liquid Nitrogen (77k) cools. Here the cube is in the process- ‘expulsion of magnetic flux’. Since then Dan and I agreed to plan a few days where by, I will set up my canvases and paint in situ, this incredible and delightful demonstration of physics. I am continuously struck by the mesmerising Meissner Effect and I was not the only one... As soon as the demonstration was set up the basement lab on the 1 st July 2014, Dan’s students; Charlie, Daniel and Cane all starting taking pictures and looking closely at the phenomena. They are as intrigued as I am. It goes to prove that it never ceases to amaze. As I began to paint, conversations bubbled about all manner of super conducting magnetic materials and their properties. We all shared ideas of about all sorts from- vacuums, ‘Stargates’ and future technologies, stories prevailed about my Grandfathers quest to create a perpetual motion machine and the trouble with friction. Cane shared conversations he has had with his grandfather, his dad and brother about ethics of his science. What if something you invented was used to cause good and bad? His brother would ask... I came to understand these magical people intend to offer the world their ideas, theories and inventions to this world; to be delivered unhindered, peer reviewed, tested and expressed through an infinite variety of applications. The world will in turn use, alter, enhance and change at will all of their potential outcomes. One thing is clear magnetism is the future! We all agreed upon that and ‘Magnetic Monopoles’ will probably play a central role. In the flow of our discussion Cane said hang on a moment ‘I’ll just go and get my levatron’, (this made me smile, its not everyday you hear that! My daughter Jasmin aged 10 gives a statement below, about this which best explains it) he bought it into the lab and I set up the second canvas and quickly began to paint this too as the inspiration poured out. He set up 3 more demonstrations all together. The afternoon continued; liquid nitrogen was topped up again and again with a thrilling sense of mischief and awe by Dr. Dan Read. I felt like I was swimming in a dream that mingled and tangled with a tangible future. ‘Magnetic Monopoles’ these words are unlikely companions aren’t they! On the 2 day I focus on the ‘Monster Machine’! It stands in off centre in the lab, almost finished looking grand and beautiful nearly touching the ceiling. Dan and his students have been working on this since last summer. I remember seeing it when I came for a quick visit last September. Now it is twice the size, and its beauty grows. Charlie explained- It will be used to evaporate permalloys which is a nickel-iron magnetic material that will rise up inside to be assimilated on the lithographed Silicon (and eventually Graphene) membranes created using the electron photon laser. A Kagome lattice, that looks like a honeycomb is lithographed and the evaporated permalloys settle into place and cooled from above and heated to extremes from below. Observation is possible through a channel looking into the vacuum. I find the whole beast in enchanting, I imagine the path of the evaporating permalloys dancing up inside to be quenched in disorder, examined with the results recorded by Charlie. I am creating three art works on canvas that express the observed, imagined and assimilated. These will be exhibited at the Senedd, Cardiff Bay between 10-4 Saturday 19th & 20th July 2014 along with DTi Artwork of my brain and Dr. Dan Read with his students showing the demonstration for all to see. To read more, see images of the lab, studio and progression of artwork go to Statements: My daughter, Jasmin Gale and Richard Higlett of Cardiff Contemporary Art Festival 2014. 'My mum Penelope Rose is doing some painting on science and I went to see them but I got distracted by a spinning top floating in mid air and I figured it out. I'll tell you when you put a spinning top down it just falls over but if you spin it, it stays up right. The spinning top has a magnet south facing up and a big platform with a magnet north facing up so the two magnets repel themselves so it floats.' There was so much stuff it was so cool and I am not the sort of person to be impressed easily but it was so AMAZING! Jasmin Rose Gales aged 10 daughter of Penelope Rose Cowley, describes her experiences of visiting the Dr. Dan Read's Basement Lab on the 1st July 2014 at Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy 'Artists and Scientists are different elements. The artists offer or makes questions....the scientists generate answers. Each sees the 'object' differently, a table stands in between as the buffer and the object, a glass perhaps is placed on top, the two elements face each other, observing the glass from different perspectives. Penelope is awestruck by the experiments and chooses to paint the demonstrations in the basement lab in situ. One may ask why paint the phenomena when they could be documented through photography or video? Painting is the longest way to drag out the moment and perhaps the only way to fully appreciate the wonder.' Richard Higlett - Conversations at BayArt with Penelope Rose Cowley, Cardiff Bay,10th July 2014 read more... ART + MAGNETISM A Selection of art work can now be purchased from aasobe
Main Event Saturday 18th October 2014 2pm - till late
Eclectic Eccentrics Art, Crafts and Music Extravaganza Running from the 15th to the 22nd Oct. Proud to be part of Made in Roath 2014! @ The Crofts Pub 14-15 Crofts Street Roath Cardiff CF24 3DZ 19th August till 27th Sept 2014 Moonlit Creativity @ Arteas Cafe 591 Cowbridge road East, Cardiff 10-5 Tuesday - Saturday 07554 453933 |
November 2023