BOOK ON FOR OCTOBER - WEDNESDAY LIFE DRAWING Drop-in for an hour, every other Wednesday 8pm-9pm only £5- 30th Sept- 14th October- THURSDAY NIGHT LIFE DRAWING GROUP 6.45pm - 8.45pm October £41.50- November £41.50- December £25.50- MID-MONTHLY 'THE LONG POSE' 18th October 2020 1pm – 5.30pm Host: Penelope Rose Cowley Model: Fra £18
Elephant Watercolour Bothy Wales, Watercolour, Pen & Ink As part of both drawing and painting courses, I will be demonstrating this Pen&Ink watercolour of a cottage in Bothy, Wales. The emphasis here is on the Two Point Perspective techniques prescribed at the drawing stage. The angle of the building is perfect for this demonstration. Followed by 'broken line' pen&ink and wet in wet watercolour washes. Lots of fun, especially in painting that bright green in contrast with the grey sky. Tropical Fish As part of the Drawing and Painting with Watercolours course I will be Demonstrating this tropical fish study, covering a few very useful techniques for watercolour. Coral and Tropical Fish As part of the up coming Drawing and Painting with Various Mediums, I will demonstration acrylic techniques for this Sea Life artwork of Coral and Tropical Fish. Using Shuttle Art Paints #artcourse #artonline #acrylicpainting The Sunday Long Pose Life Model - Andrew - Acrylic Painting, from our Sunday Session 13th Sept 2020 NEXT SESSION- 18th October 2020 1pm – 5.30pm Host: Penelope Rose Cowley Model: Fra Limited Colour Palette Acrylic - Yellow, Orange, Pink, Purple, White, Grey and Black. Using Shuttle Art Paints Just a quick note Enrolements are still on, please email valecourses: [email protected] And leave you name, contact no. and the course you would like to enrole on. All the listing of my courses are the website page: I also run courses with Adult Learning Cardiff and my own Private courses mainly Life Drawing (starting from only £5) and a there is a Mid-Month Join for Thursday Nights, all of which are listed on the website page. I have been working very hard to put our online courses together I know its not the same as being in the venue but once you get use to it, it's rather lovely, I promise and the social side of things is still felt and we all get to chat with each other and learn lots whilst doing so, its lots of fun.
13th September 2020
1pm – 5.30pm Host: Penelope Rose Cowley Model: Andrew £18 Book on click here - The Long Pose. Sunday, 13th Sept, 1pm - 5.30pm About the sessions- The structure, in general, is untaught and very relaxed, with a 'chat and review' session for tips, ideas, and feedback towards the end of the session. Bring along your favourite drawing materials of your choice. The ‘Long Pose’ is a great opportunity for you to create a painting. The sessions will begin at 1pm with the first 15mins allowing for ‘Meet and Greet’ and for everyone to get ready and prepare themselves. Our model also has ability to view the pose from 2 camera angles offering 2 perspectives. Book on click here - The Long Pose. Sunday, 13th Sept, 1pm - 5.30pm Our Life Model Andrew will be modelling for approx. 3 hours and 30 mins. Main breaks are 5 mins after 1st hour, 20mins after the 2nd hour, 5 mins after the 3rd followed by the last 30mins. Andrew will also have stretch time during each of the hour poses i.e alarm clock will be set every 30 mins or as required. After drawing/posing time there will follow an approx. 15 minutes ‘Chat and Review’ where by you welcomed to show your artwork, if you wish, from the day’s session and briefly share your thoughts and myself and the participants offer some feedback. Once you have booked on you will be sent the Zoom Invitation via email few days prior to the session. Any question please email [email protected] Book on click here - The Long Pose. Sunday, 13th Sept, 1pm - 5.30pm Terms and conditions: By joining the session, you agree- Rule 1: Do NOT take photographs, digital recordings, or screenshots of any sort. If you break this rule you will be asked to leave with no refund. It is imperative that we protect our respect models. Rule 2: That, Your Video Camera is always to remain ON. Rule 3: To please notify us if you wish to turn your audio off. Both Life Models and Hosts/Tutors prefer audio on if possible. Rule 4: Be polite and kind to others and yourself. Rule 5: Keep the group private- please do not share Zoom Details with others. Rule 6: All Non-Participants are not allowed to attend (or visit) during the Life Drawing session, please respect the privacy of our models. Life Drawing 'Drop-in' 16th Sept, 30th Sept, 14th October...
Wednesday 8pm - 9pm (arrive from 7.45pm) Host: Penelope Rose Cowley Models: Fra, Andrew and Edmund £5 per session Sessions held every other week. Online Zoom Life Drawing Groups are a great way to keep up with your drawing skills and meet and people from all over the country and the world. It is both a great social activity, engaging, relaxing and all from the comfort of your home via Zoom. About the sessions- The sessions will begin at 7.45pm with the first 15mins allowing for ‘Meet and Greet’ and for everyone to get ready and finish setting themselves up. Drawing with begin at 8pm for 1 hour with short and long poses., to finish at 9pm. Zoom Invitation details will be sent on the Tuesday Before the Session. Any question please email [email protected] Terms and conditions By joining the session, you agree- Rule 1: Do NOT take photographs, digital recordings, or screenshots of any sort. If you break this rule you will be asked to leave with no refund. It is imperative that we protect our respect models. Rule 2: That, Your Video Camera is always to remain ON. Rule 3: To please notify us if you wish to turn your audio off. Both Life Models and Hosts/Tutors prefer audio on if possible. Rule 4: Be polite and kind to others and yourself. Rule 5: Keep the group private- please do not share Zoom Details with others. Rule 6: All Non-Participants are not allowed to attend (or visit) during the Life Drawing session, please respect the privacy of our models.
February 2025