I am artist/science practitioner. I have been working with Cardiff University for the last few years on various projects feel feel to take a look at a recent article by the Wales Art Review: http://www.walesartsreview.org/art-meets-science-magnetic-monopoles/ The subject matter for The Gate exhibition is concerned with the infinity, consciousness, figure and patterns inspired from Prof. Sir Roger Penrose of Mathematics of Oxford University and his work with Stuart Hameroff of University of Arizona. Their recent paper regarding http://anesth.medicine.arizona.edu/faculty/stuart-r-hameroff-md brings together his ideas in mathematics, Fibonacci sequences, quantum mechanics together with Hameroff's work concerning microtubules which found in the neurons of our brains this is of great significant to this body of work I am creating for The Gate. My work is concerned with infinity, consciousness, figure and patterns however I would also like to mention that I was brought in the Church of England, I served at the altar and conversed many a times with God in my mind and heart with the meaning of infinity and eternal love. My work with science/maths is still seeking this same path. The reason I am inspired by Sir Roger Penrose is because he seeks the eternal through infinite asymmetrical patterns and his work with Hameroff through physics and quantum mechanics found something so very awe inspiring that it would seem to suggest that the spirit of the universe is as I was always taught to believe is conscious, eternal and positive all be it a proto. At the moment I am working hard to visualize this on canvas and through drawing. Interpreting maths physic papers through art takes up a lot of my time and I do love it very much, comprehending there meaning and finding spirit in physics is wonderful. Joint Exhibition Jessica Davies and Penelope Rose Cowley Wednesday 25th Nov - 18th December 2015 The Gate, Keppoch Street, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 3JW 02920 483344 To be invited to the private view contact [email protected] [email protected] or via the contact page
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November 2023